Ā I've always been captivated by what motivates people and helps them achieve success. I enjoy delving into personal matters and coaching others to do the same for themselves. Even during my first entrepreneurial venture as an interior designer in 2002, I would guide my clients through the design process so that they could understand what it took to create a genuine and supportive space. It was then that I realized my natural inclination towards teaching and coaching. My fascination lies in big concepts, energy, and the inner workings of the human psyche. I value Authentic Expression above all else, and therefore, I teach a body of work that helps others to be visible with their authentic expression and achieve great success. I've helped leaders, influencers, speakers, and businesswomen with unique practices that help them align and achieve their vision, embody and communicate their value, and amplify and own their visibility. After working with me, they can authentically and courageously communicate who they truly are so that they can have the lifestyle and positive impact they want.Ā 


But it wasn't always easy...

I like to say..." I am a 10 year over night success".Ā  When I left my corporate interior design job and started my own design company, I thought my passion would be enough to attract clients. I repeated this pattern with my women's empowerment company, with the Authentic Style consulting I did, and again when I became a certified life and business coach. But I found myself working hard, changing people's lives, and making no money. My passion started to feel like a never-ending cycle of "hustle," and I am not a fan of "hustle"! So, I took an honest look at what I was doing in my life and business and made the energetic and strategic shifts I needed. I'm happy to report that I went from $24,000 annually to a six-figure income in just 18 months, and I sustained that success more easily and joyfully than ever before. I know what it's like to be on both sides of the solopreneurial coin, as I have experienced them both. I've made all the mistakes that solopreneurs make, and I've learned the keys to creating a successful business that doesn't consume you and your life. I am passionate about helping others save time, energy, and money by understanding (intuitively and strategically) exactly what to focus on within their business and personal lives. As I have grown spiritually over the years, I am more committed than ever to helping women fully step into their brilliance and work from a place of intuition, inspired action, and co-creation with the energies around us. I aim to help others master their lives and be seen and heard, amplifying their influence gracefully and easily. I feel blessed every day to be able to coach, mentor, and teach others how to live their desires and be fully visible.


Let's Chat

Incase you want more info...some key things I BELIEVE: (just a few)

  • in focusing on getting it REAL over trying to get it right.
  • that our purpose is to awaken the Truth of who we really are and BE that in all areas of our life.
  • that following inspired action in life and business ALWAYS pays off.
  • we don't create our reality; we co-create it with the energies that are all around us.
  • in getting people off the fence about you - either they dig who you are and what you do or they don't.
  • that everyone wants to be seen, heard and valued for who they truly are...and BE their true selves in all areas. #Be365
  • in honoring Flow over Hustle and mapping out aligned business models over cookie-cutter strategies.
  • in being transparent, as that is what we are all wanting from each other.

I've lived in Ft Collins, CO since 1992. Getting up into the mountains, camping and SUPing with my wonderful husband and dogs, riding bikes down toĀ Old Town, and enjoying great restaurants brings me joy. I love being outdoors, hanging out with my amazing friends (I surround myself with the most brilliant, authentic, and fun women) and involved with my other passions (Freeform Dance, ArtĀ  and animals). You will often find me at dancing with my wild Embodiment Dance Community and attending Animal Rescue events.

I am a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, Certified Art of Feminine Presence Teacher, and was the iPEC (ICF coaching school) Denver Lead Trainer for 5 years, Sales Team Manager and award winning Interior Designer for a National Design Company.Ā 

I am complex, I am all things, I am ME


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